

The Lifestyle Prescriptions University is accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges, and Universities (ASIC UK). The University has earned Premier status with ASIC for its commendable areas of operation.

Accreditation helps students and parents make a more informed choice and will also help a school, college, university, training provider, or distance education provider, demonstrate to the international student body that they are a high-quality institution. ASIC is recognized by UKVI in UK, is a member of the CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in USA and is listed in their International Directory, is a member of the BQF (British Quality Foundation) and an institutional member of EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network).

ASIC UK has been approved by the UK government since 2008. It is the largest UK accreditation body having approved higher education schools in 76 countries.

View the ASIC LPU accreditation certificate

Degree Program Validation

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University (LPU) students can obtain their Master’s and PhD degrees from the European International University (EIU-Paris) through the “Center & Program Validation & Certification” (CPVC) arrangement, which involves EIU-Paris reviewing, evaluating, approving, and recognizing partner institution programs as equivalent to their own.

The process includes a comprehensive assessment of the partner institution’s learning and assessment policies, methodologies, procedures, and practices. Successful graduates receive EIU-Paris certificates, diplomas, or degrees. EIU-Paris is a private, independent, distance education establishment authorized by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Research, and Innovation in compliance with the French Education Act (Code de l’Education Articles L 444-1 to 444-11 and R 444-1 to 444-28).

EIU-Paris shares LPU’s vision to provide high-quality education and credentials in Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coaching to combat the global chronic disease pandemic affecting over a billion people worldwide.

LPU adheres to the qualifications framework of European Higher Education, based on the Bologna Agreement, as established by ASIC, UK and EIU-Paris.

Additional Accreditations

The Lifestyle Prescriptions® University is continuously seeking additional accreditations to establish highest quality of teaching and operations.

LPU has been approved by these organizations:

  • National Board of Wellness & Health Coaching (NBHWC)
    Approved training program. LPU health coach training graduates maysit for the NBHWC board exam
  • CE/CPD National Board of Wellness & Health Coaching (NBHWC)
    LPU training programs and courses are approved as Continuous Education for NBHWC health coaching graduates
  • Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation
    Approved as a premium school teaching Root-Cause Health Coaching based pm Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™
  • HealthiWealthi™ Coaching
    Approved school to teach HealthiWealthi™ Coaching with graduates getting instant access to the HealthiWealthi™ Coaching Platform.
  • CPD Standards (CE/CPD)
    LPU programs and courses are approved as Continuous Professional Education
  • International Institute for Complementary Therapies (IICT)
    Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coaching is internationally approved as a complementary methodology

Curious about how to earn your M.A. and/or Ph.D. degree with maximum tuition and time savings and learn advanced Root-Cause Analysis & Health Coaching Skills at the same time?

Explore degree options here!

© 2015-2024 Lifestyle Prescriptions® University. The terms Lifestyle Prescriptions®, Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™, and Root-Cause Health Coaching™ are worldwide trademarks of the Lifestyle Prescriptions® University and can only be used after completing qualifying training programs. Lifestyle Medicine WORKS™, Lifestyle Medicine Summit, HealthiWealthi™ are trademarks of Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation.

* This website and all LPU training programs are for educational purposes only. No medical diagnosis, therapy, or treatment is provided.