Research Lifestyle Medicine

The Science is clear, Health Coaching and Lifestyle Medicine research conclusively shows extensive benefits for patients, health professionals, and healthcare.

The selection of research papers and empirical studies below indicate efficacy of evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine and the 6 pillars of Lifestyle Medicine.

Our mission at Lifestyle Prescriptions® University is to motivate and educate doctors and health professionals working in traditional and complimentary health care settings to integrate evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine and Root-Cause Health Coaching based on Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy into their practices.

Lifestyle Medicine - Research

Here’s a small selection of research studies showing how our lifestyle habits affect our symptoms.

Lifestyle and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Dean Ornish, considered the grandfather of Lifestyle Medicine, and his Preventive Medicine Research Institute could demonstrate in double-blind studies the direct relationship between lifestyle modifications (nutrition, stress management, fitness, social support) and diseases and our body’s ability to stop and reverse up to 80% of chronic health issues. Here are some of their findings:

Weight Loss
Gene Expression
Prostate Cancer
Blood Pressure
Heart Disease
Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes
Outcomes & Cost-Savings

American College of Lifestyle Medicine – Evidence Overwhelmingly Supporting the Efficacy of Lifestyle Medicine

General Lifestyle Medicine
Heart Disease
Telomere Impact
Erectile Dysfunction
Cognitive Function
Pain Mitigation
Weight Management

Health Coaching - Research

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University research is focused on the efficacy of root-cause based health coaching, Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy and the connection between specific stressors, emotions, beliefs & lifestyle habits affecting symptoms.

Here’s a list of completed Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach SPECIALIST research project:

The “Compendium of the Health and Wellness Coaching Literature” study provides a good overview of the current research in health coaching efficacy.


Health and wellness coaching (HWC) for lifestyle behavior change is emerging as a practice, role, and profession, in diverse health care, employee wellness, and community settings. Health care professionals apply HWC as a behavior change methodology for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic disorders. The purpose of this systematic review was to provide a comprehensive and organized compendium of HWC literature. To date, extant HWC literature remains scattered with no meaningful summary accessible. Lack of comprehensive summary stems from lack of consensus on HWC definition and standards. We applied a recently proposed, standardized definition of HWC to determine compendium inclusion criteria for peer-reviewed, data-based literature from relevant search engines (ie, PubMed, PsychInfo, and CINAHL). A systematic review process was executed and ultimately yielded 219 articles meeting HWC inclusion criteria. Of these, 150 were data-based and the remainder were expert opinion or review-style articles. A summary of results generally reveals HWC as a promising intervention for chronic diseases though further research is needed in most categories. The resulting HWC compendium organizes and describes the quantity and quality of available literature for the use and benefit of HWC practitioners and researchers.


The HWC Compendium provides substantial evidence for a clinical intervention yielding a positive impact on the chronic, often lifestyle-related diseases, scourging our modern health care system. Lifestyle behavior change as a treatment for chronic disorders is long recognized as effective, but viewed as unachievable in a sufficiently scalable manner. The Compendium brings together a body of literature suggesting HWC may be a valuable tool for improving the applicability of behavior change interventions in the treatment of chronic disease.

The HWC Compendium is useful because it identifies, quantifies, and analyzes existing coaching literature while categorizing it by clinical population. Furthermore, it helps bring to light both the strengths and weaknesses of the existing HWC literature. The Compendium should be viewed not only as an existing resource to utilize but also one to be expanded. Users should provide compendium group authors feedback on how to best evolve the Compendium. Moreover, closely examining the compendium raises addressable questions allowing prospective HWC researchers to identify important gaps in the coaching literature. They can then assist in expanding the knowledgebase of the coaching profession by executing relevant and high-quality investigation. Using these mechanisms, the hope is to continue to expand and refine the HWC Compendium for the future benefit of the HWC community.

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University - Research

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University research is focused on the efficacy of root-cause based health coaching, Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy and the connection between specific stressors, emotions, beliefs & lifestyle habits affecting symptoms.

Here’s a list of completed Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach SPECIALIST research project:

The Effect Of Emotions and Stress On Fertility – Aisling Killoran, Lifestyle Prescriptions® Infertility Health Coach Specialist

 Demonstration of statistically significant improvement in health outcomes using Lifestyle Prescriptions® Root-Cause Analysis & Health Coaching Protocols.

 In her study, out of the six case studies, four women who were medically diagnosed with unexplained infertility and were trying to become pregnant for over two years, are now pregnant and two have yet to become pregnant.

Beliefs Affecting Chronic Pain Responses – Jane Oelke, ND, PhD, Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach Specialist

 This study was created for the objectives to study belief patterns and their relationship to the location of chronic pain. Thought-provoking associations between the top two belief patterns, the level of pain, and the symptoms that make it worse were found.

 The beliefs that “I am not strong enough” and “I have too many responsibilities.” correlate to the ability to control situations and the ability to deal with chronic pain.

Improving Health Outcomes in IBS – Eileen Strong, Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach Specialist

Eileen completed a small case study project with chronic Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) diagnosed clients. All research participants had been diagnosed 20 or more years ago. 75% of participants cited diet control, hydration, exercise and relaxation as their main means of symptoms control prior to the study. All participants cited stress as their perceived main cause of symptoms at the onset of the study.

The Lifestyle Prescriptions® Root-Cause Analysis indicated:

 100% of participants cited specific emotionally stressful events corresponding with the onset of (a) most recent flare up symptoms and/or (b) initial onset of symptoms at first diagnosis.

 Some of these events were many years previous and participants still experienced emotional stress around their memories of these issues at the present time (i.e. “unresolved” emotional stress) It was these specific remembered stressful events which became the subject of the Root-Cause Health Coaching Intervention during the research project.

Using Lifestyle Prescriptions® Root-Cause Health Coaching protocols the following study results could be observed:

 Ratings in Quality of Life (QoL) improved 75% over the course of the study.

 100% of participants experienced immediate relief /reduction in either or both of (a) emotional intensity and/or (b) physical discomfort.

 100% participants cited improvement in specific IBS symptoms like diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, night sweats (before and after the interventions as part of the research).

 100% confirmed they had learnt improved strategies to manage/respond to Stress as a result of the Project.

One of the interesting findings was that the overall perception of health (measured through a before & after questionnaire and the SUD scale) showed a measurable improvement with all clients (average 5-20% improvement). But the IBS/digestive organ tissue specific symptoms improved drastically (average

The Effects of Emotions on Hormones – Cindy Hubka, Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach Specialist

Cindy was able to coach eight women between the ages of 55 years and 70 years to decrease or eliminate their symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia using Lifestyle Prescriptions® Root Cause Analysis Health Coaching.

 25% of the women had their symptoms eliminated

 75% felt their symptoms were at a level that each could deal with easily on their own with non-medication tools they had learned throughout the sessions.

Root-Cause Asthma Solutions – John Rhodes, Lifestyle Prescriptions® Asthma Health Coach Specialist

In a small research study John demonstrated the following results using Lifestyle Prescriptions® Root-Cause Analysis & Self-Healing Protocols:

 40% of participants were able to stop using asthma medication altogether (confirmed by their GP).

 80% of participants had Final Peak Flow measurements corroborating their breathing improvement.

Empirical evidence of Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coaching practitioners demonstrated and documented with over 1,000 client cases

Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy Reference Database

Searchable online database for LPU program students and graduates listing 150+ organ tissue with 2,000+ symptoms and their relationship with stressors, conflicts, emotions, beliefs & lifestyle habits.

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Specialists and Faculty Members researching aspects of the Art and Science of Self-Healing, the Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy and efficacy of Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coaching Techniques & Protocols. New research findings will be available soon and published in peer-reviewed publications (and in many cases published as books).

Emotions & Health - Research

Find a small selection of research showing the relationship between unresolved emotional hurts and health.

List of research projects related to emotions and their affect on our body

Energy Psychology Research

Human Emotions on the Onset of Cardiovascular and Small Vessel Related Diseases.

Differences in anxiety among patients with early- versus late-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Brain activity linking negative emotions to a lower immune response against disease (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1534743100).

Depressed elderly people have fewer lymphocytes and T-cells – white blood cells crucial for fighting disease. Published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (vol 72, p 253)

Mind-Body Connection - Research

Mind-Body Connection research is extensive with some of the leader that inspired us being:

  • Thure von Uexküll (1908–2004)
    Considered one of the founders of modern psychosomatic medicine in Germany, he advocated for understanding illness as a dynamic interaction between biological, psychological, and social factors.
  • Hans Selye (1907–1982)
    A Canadian endocrinologist who introduced the concept of "stress" and its physiological effects on the body, influencing global research on mind-body health.
  • George Engel (1913–1999)
    An American physician who developed the biopsychosocial model, emphasizing the role of psychological and social factors in health and illness.
  • Louise Hay (1976)
    Her first book, Heal Your Body, was published in 1976, long before it was fashionable to discuss the connection between the mind and body.
  • Ruediger Dahlke MD (1983 - )
    German best-selling author and physician who wrote the ground-breaking book »Krankheit als Sprache der Seele (The Healing Power of Illness) describing the emotional causes of specific symptoms

Green-Health-Social Prescriptions - Research

Over the last decade there’s been increased awareness about the need to provide options to clients and add lifestyle based prescriptions to increase compliance and health outcomes.

* To clarify, Lifestyle Prescriptions® is the exclusive worldwide trademark of Lifestyle Prescriptions® University and can only be used after being an approved provider by Lifestyle Prescriptions® University and Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation.

Lifestyle Prescriptions® practitioner are focusing on all 6 Root-Causes which include stress management, emotions, beliefs, social stressors and lifestyle habits like nutrition/food, exercise, sleep.

Other non-trademarked names used are:

Lifestyle Medicine Rx

Green Prescriptions (prescribing exercise)

Healthy Prescription (mostly focusing on healthy foods)

Social prescriptions (focused on social lifestyle improvements)

Nature prescriptions (like walking in nature, etc.)

Nutrition Prescriptions (food and diet based)

Research showing the efficacy of prescriptions lifestyle includes:

Making sense of social prescribing
UK doctors use social prescribing

Lifestyle Medicine: A Primary Care Perspective
Collaborating with patients and families to develop action plans such as lifestyle prescriptions, practicing and promoting healthy behaviors, and drawing on an interdisciplinary team of care providers.

Lifestyle Prescriptions for Physical Activity: A Review of the Clinical Evidence

Prescribing healthy food
Prescribing healthy foods could bring cost-effective benefits

Green Prescription (Ministry of Health New Zealand)
Green Prescription research shows that a Green Prescription (GRx) is an inexpensive way of increasing activity for sedentary people.

The Long-Term Effectiveness of the New Zealand Green Prescription Primary Health Care Intervention
Dissertation research showing an increase in health benefit awareness, self-reported health benefits and overall increase in physical activity

Green Prescriptions and Their Co-Benefits:
Integrative Strategies for Public and Environmental Health

Nutrition Prescriptions
Nutrition prescriptions are one way for physicians and other health care providers to outline a healthy, balanced eating plan for patients.

© 2015-2024 Lifestyle Prescriptions® University. The terms Lifestyle Prescriptions®, Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™, and Root-Cause Health Coaching™ are worldwide trademarks of the Lifestyle Prescriptions® University and can only be used after completing qualifying training programs. Lifestyle Medicine WORKS™, Lifestyle Medicine Summit, HealthiWealthi™ are trademarks of Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation.

* This website and all LPU training programs are for educational purposes only. No medical diagnosis, therapy, or treatment is provided.