Join the Global Leaders in Lifestyle Medicine Education

Unlock your Career: Earn Your Accredited Ph.D. in Lifestyle Medicine

Unlock your Career: Earn Your Accredited

Ph.D. in Lifestyle Medicine

For Healthcare Professionals with a desire to implement Lifestyle Medicine skills and earn credentials.

Reduce tuition and study time by applying your existing degrees, diplomas and professional work experience.

(Affordable payment plans are available.


20 Ph.D. Fast-Track enrollment slots are available before Nov 30. Enroll now because tuition will increase in 2025.

Our mission is to make Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coaching accessible to everone by providing cutting-edge training programs and credentials for physicians and providers to successfully implement evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine into healthcare practices, centers, and clinics.

Lifestyle Medicine adressing Root-Causes

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University programs are deeply anchored in evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine with a focus on effective 20/80 lifestyle strategies and micro-habit improvements using Lifestyle Prescriptions®.

Learn the 4 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine and how to integrate comprehensive lifestyle modification protocols including nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress management and social support.¹

The 6 Root-Causes and the Points & Phases of Auto-Regulation based on Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™ allow practitioners to be precise in their analysis and increase health outcomes. ¹

Our measurable Micro-Habit Improvement Protocols allow practitioners to improve patient compliance and monitor lifestyle habit improvements.

Transform lives with micro-habit Lifestyle Prescriptions®

Lifestyle Prescription® University exclusively teaches the evidence-based use and integration of micro-habit Lifestyle Prescription® into clinical practice and health coaching.

Lifestyle Prescription® are used by physicians, healthcare providers, and health coaches to define SMART lifestyle micro-habits to be implemented and practiced by clients/patients to increase compliance.

* Lifestyle Prescriptions® can be only used to improve lifestyle habits. No rx medical prescription, diagnosis, therapy is provided.

Feel inspired by our world-class faculty

At Lifestyle Prescriptions® University we’re proud about our expert educators, faculty, supervisors, advisory board, and leaders in the fields of Lifestyle Medicine, Root-Cause Health Coaching, Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy and the Art and Science of Self-Healing.

Johannes R. Fisslinger PhD(c)​​​​​ (USA, Germany), Founder

Mohamad I. Yamani MD (USA) - LPU Medical Officer

Bernie Siegel MD (USA) - Advisory Board

Cristian Dellepiane MD DipABLM (Argentina) - Advisory Board

Aisling Killoran, M.A., LPHCS, PhD(c) (Ireland)

Sharon Ellert, M.A., NBH-HWC, PhD(c) (Canada)

Catherine Alter Ph.D. (USA) – IRB Committee

Hazel Heath PhD (UK) – IRB Committee

Nick Deal PhD (UK) - Acacemic Supervisor

Coach Nisreen Baitalmal (Saudi Arabia) - Arab Student Coordinator

Dr. Nahla Maher (Egypt) – Arab Student Supervisor

Reham Garash MD, DipIBLM (Saudi Arabia) - Advisory Board

View faculty & board members here.

Why study with LPU?

Quick history: Since 2010 teaching health coaching | 2013 Introducing Lifestyle Prescriptions® | 2023 Launching accredited Lifestyle Medicine Degree programs worldwide

  • 7329

Students are currently enrolled in Lifestyle Prescriptions® University

  • 57

Countries From Which Students Are Pursuing Their Online Education

  • 91

% Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Students Satisfied

  • 83

% Students Likely Or Very Likely To Recommend Lifestyle Prescriptions® University

LPU Graduates Feedback

Listen to our graduates and how they build their Lifestyle Medicine career.

I feel honored to be the first Pakistani Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Coaching graduate. Indeed, it was an outstanding learning journey and equipped me with skills to practice as a Lifestyle Medicine Physician.

Fatima Ehsan MD, 2023 Lifestyle Medicine Root-Cause Coaching Graduate

It has been a great journey so far with exceptional results. This work really amazes me at what health outcomes and transformations it can achieve in people's lives.

Simon Klein LPHC, Certified Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Health Coach

Amazing accredited university. Since I started my PhD program I have learned unique techniques and valuable knowledge and started implementing each of them on my patients which rewarded me to be in a senior position. Thank you for all professionals at this university.

Mrs. Almansowri, Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Ph.D. Student

“In my busy integrative and lifestyle medical practice I love using the lifestyle prescription® Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy Charts and quickly ask patients if the conflict-stress themes and emotions connected with their symptoms ring a bell and almost everyone gets it.”

Dr. Kevin Chan, Lifestyle Medicine Arizona USA

“I’m COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY by this training. I have never taken anything (and I’ve done tons of online learning) this amazing before, both in content and in delivery.”

​Cari Nadeau. EFT Practitioner, Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Student

​I love the program, I’ve learned so much, about the body and about myself. It’s been an incredible journey so far for my own self-healing. Looking forward to live practicum classes!”

Olivia Schoen, Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Student

“Lifestyle Prescriptions® Root-Cause Analysis allows me to get to the root-cause of chronic symptoms fast. It is a life changing and an amazing tool.”

Dr. Stephane Provencher​​​​​, USA

“I have a huge influx of clients which is incredible for me, managing 16 clients right now who are in the 3-month program. 🙂 Never happened before. The work I am able to offer now is definitely so PROFOUND and TRANSFORMATIVE compared to what I did before for 6 years!”

Nigora Normatova, Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Graduate

FAQ - Degree Programs

Why earn your degrees?

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University is the premium global higher education institute exclusively focused on teaching advanced Lifestyle Medicine protocols for healthcare providers offering accredited Master's and Ph.D. Degree programs. Lifestyle Medicine is one of the fastest growing fields in healthcare providing evidence-based solutions for Chronic Disease Patients (which make up 80% of all health issues and healthcare costs). Here are some of the benefits to join LPU:

  • Master evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine
  • Start or expand your career and healthcare practice
  • Build a successful practice (add a new income stream)
  • Earn the most valuable academic credential available
  • Get invitations to conferences, write books and become a Lifestyle Medicine Leader (benefit from your "Dr. YOUR NAME" title)
What will you learn?

You will learn evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine protocols and Root-Cause Analysis & Health Coaching based on Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy and earn your accredited Ph.D. Doctorate Degree in Lifestyle Medicine.

You will follow this process:

  • Complete the Lifestyle Medicine self-study courses
  • Attend the Lifestyle Medicine Practicum Live Classes
  • Complete the Academic Courses (with live supervision)
  • Start your research, write your dissertation, graduate ✅

Select between TRACK 1: Ph.D. Degree (if you have an existing Master Degree or equivalent already) or TRACK 2: Ph.D. Fast-Track Degree program (without Master's Degree or equivalent qualifications) which includes the Integrated Master's and Ph.D. Degree program.

Enrollment requirements
  • Applicants should possess a high level of motivation and self-discipline
  • Applicants should be proficient in the English language
  • Applicants must possess basic smartphone or computer skills
  • Applicants should possess at least one (1) year of professional working experience in the field of Healthcare, Nursing, Psychology, Counseling, Mental Health, Social Work, Health Coaching or related areas of work
  • Applicants are committed to invest attention, time & energy to complete the program
  • Applicants are able to pay the tuition (after deduction of scholarships and tuition credits) as agreed during the evaluation call.

Required Documents

  • Latest CV / Résumé
  • Passport Copy
  • Passport Size Photo (jpg. format)
  • Copies of degrees, diplomas & certificates
➡️ TRACK 1: Ph.D. Doctorate Degree

If you have an existing Master degree or equivalent (and higher) then you can DIRECTLY join TRACK #1: PH.D. IN LIFESTYLE MEDICINE.


  • M.A. degree or equivalent
  • Extensive diplomas & professional work experience in healthcare


  • You may reduce your tuition and study timed substantially by apply previous degrees, diplomas, and professional work experience.
  • Schedule an evaluation call to explore the best program that fits your career needs.



  • 101 | D-LM-SUCCESS University Success Skills
  • 102 | D-LM-LMSCIENCE Lifestyle Medicine I - The Science
  • 103 | D-LM-PRESCRLM Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine
  • 104 | D-LM-PRAC Lifestyle Medicine Practicum I


  • 201 | D-RCA-HCCCOM Health Coaching Core Competencies
  • 202 | D-RCA-SELFHEAL The Art & Science of Self-Healing
  • 203 | D-LPHC-COMSKILL Neuro Communication Skills
  • 204 | D-RCA-ROOTANALY 10-Step Root-Cause Analysis Process I
  • 205 | D-RCA-OMBACHART Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy I (Charts)
  • 206 | D-RCA-PRAC1RCA RCA Practicum


  • 301 | D-LPHC-QUATHABIT Quantum Habits for Peak Performance
  • 302 | D-LPHC-ENERPSYCH Energy Psychology Precision EFT I
  • 303 | D-LPHC-QNBTE Quantum-Neuro-Biology Techniques
  • 304 | D-LPHC-OMBAN2 Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy II (Directory)
  • 305 | D-LPHC-PRAC1LPHC LPHC Practicum


  • 406 | D-MA-ACADWRITE English Academic Writing
  • 407 | D-MA-STATISTICS 10-Week Statistics & Qualitative Research
  • 408 | D-MA-LITREVIEW 6-Week Literature Review
  • 409 | D-MA-RESEARME 6-Week Research Methodologies
  • 410 | D-MA-PROPO6 MA/Ph.D. 6-Weeks Proposal Course
  • 501 | D-PHD-HCETHICS Ethics in Healthcare Course
  • 502 | D-PHD-DISSERTA Dissertation Research, Writing & Defending


  • Degree Supervisor Support
  • LPU Degree Committee Guidance
  • LPU Faculty Support


  • Degree is validated by the European International University (EIU) Paris, monitored by the Department of Education France
➡️ TRACK 2: Ph.D. Fast-Track (M.A. and Ph.D.)

If you DO NOT have a Master degree or equivalent (or higher) then join TRACK #2: Ph.D. Fast-Track in Lifestyle Medicine which includes the Integrated Bachelor/Master's followed by the Ph.D. Degree.


  • One year healthcare or related work experience


  • You may reduce your tuition and study time substantially by apply previous degrees, diplomas, and professional work experience.
  • Schedule an evaluation call to explore the best program that fits your career needs.

You will master Lifestyle Medicine and Root-Cause Health Coaching by completing these self-study, practicums and academic courses:


  • 101 | D-LM-SUCCESS University Success Skills
  • 102 | D-LM-LMSCIENCE Lifestyle Medicine I - The Science
  • 103 | D-LM-PRESCRLM Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine
  • 104 | D-LM-PRAC Lifestyle Medicine Practicum I


  • 201 | D-RCA-HCCCOM Health Coaching Core Competencies
  • 202 | D-RCA-SELFHEAL The Art & Science of Self-Healing
  • 203 | D-LPHC-COMSKILL Neuro Communication Skills
  • 204 | D-RCA-ROOTANALY 10-Step Root-Cause Analysis Process I
  • 205 | D-RCA-OMBACHART Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy I (Charts)
  • 206 | D-RCA-PRAC1RCA RCA Practicum


  • 301 | D-LPHC-QUATHABIT Quantum Habits for Peak Performance
  • 302 | D-LPHC-ENERPSYCH Energy Psychology Precision EFT I
  • 303 | D-LPHC-QNBTE Quantum-Neuro-Biology Techniques
  • 304 | D-LPHC-OMBAN2 Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy II (Directory)
  • 305 | D-LPHC-PRAC1LPHC LPHC Practicum


  • 401 | D-MA-LIMED2 Lifestyle Medicine II – Protocols
  • 402 | D-MA-BIOEVO Human Needs, Brain, Organs, Evolution
  • 403 | D-MA-MICROB Microbiome, Microbes & Immunity
  • 404 | D-MA-LIMED3 Lifestyle Medicine III: Remedies
  • 405 | D-MA-PRAC2 Master Practicum II (OMBA, RCA & LPHC)


  • 406 | D-MA-ACADWRITE English Academic Writing
  • 407 | D-MA-STATISTICS 10-Week Statistics & Qualitative Research
  • 408 | D-MA-LITREVIEW 6-Week Literature Review
  • 409 | D-MA-RESEARME 6-Week Research Methodologies
  • 410 | D-MA-PROPO6 MA 6-Weeks Proposal Course
  • 411 | D-MA-CAPSTO Master’s Degree Capstone Project


  • 501 | D-PHD-HCETHICS Ethics in Healthcare Course
  • 502 | D-PHD-DISSERTA Dissertation Research, Writing & Defending


  • Degree is validated by the European International University (EIU) Paris, monitored by the Department of Education France
Can I get my Master's Degree (without Ph.D.)?

Yes, absolutely. You may enroll only in the Master's Degree in Lifestyle Medicine or Health Coaching and decide at a later time if you continue with the Ph.D. Talk to our enrollment team to explore tuition and options.

TIP: Over 90% of our students enroll in the Fast-Track because of the substantial reduced tuition and study time, and because what they reeally want is the Ph.D. Doctorate credential.

What are the steps to graduation?


  • Complete your M.A. required courses
  • Define your research topic
  • Get M.A. Proposal approval (by LPU committee)
  • Research your M.A. Topic
  • Write your M.A. Capstone paper (45-70 pages)


  • Define your research topic
  • Get Ph.D. Proposal approval (by LPU committee)
  • Complete your research
  • Write and defend your Dissertation (90-130 pages)


  • Degree is validated by the European International University (EIU) Paris, monitored by the Department of Education France
What's the tuition?

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University degree program teach cutting-edge, evidence-based skills and allow you to earn your highly valuage, accredited degres.

LPU degrees are affordable and allow you to reduce your tuition and study time by applying your existing degrees, diplomas, and your previous work experiences.

Your total Ph.D. Degree in Lifestyle Medicine tuition after all applicable tuition credits may be as low as $9,997.

Payment plans as low as $197 may be available.

Start the enrollment & tuition review process to MAXIMIZE YOUR TUITION SAVINGS and explore which degree option fits your values, goals, and budget.

Is my degree accredited?

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University is accredited by ASIC UK and our degrees are validated by the European International University Paris, France.

You will receive your validated LPU/EIU degree with transcripts and will be listed on the European International University mainframe database monitored by French Ministry of Education and on the Lifestyle Prescriptions® University degree graduate website.

Check more additional accreditation details here.

When can I enroll?

LPU enrollment is open four times per year:

Jan 15 - Feb 15
May 15 - June 15

Aug 15 - Sept 15
Oct 30 - Nov 30

Contact us now to secure your spot considering we have limited availability per enrollment.

What are the Live Class Practicum Times?

The Lifestyle Medicine and Root-Cause Analysis Practicum Live Classes are taught twice a year.


  • Starting mid of March and September for 12 weeks
  • Live Weekly Wednesdays 18 - 19.30 UK and Sundays 18 - 19.30 UK (Zoom)
  • 90-Minutes teaching and practice
  • Required pre-study:
    D201 | RCA-HCCCOM Health Coaching Core Competencies
    D202 | RCA-SELFHEAL The Art & Science of Self-Healing
    D203 | RCA-ROOTANALY 10-Step Root-Cause Analysis Process I
    D204 | RCA-OMBACHART Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy I (Charts)
    D202 | RCA-SELFHEAL The Art & Science of Self-Healing

After completing the RCA PRACTICUM, students may join the second practicum live class course:


  • Starting mid of March and September for 12 weeks.
  • Live Weekly Thursdays 18 - 19.30 UK and Sundays 18 - 19.30 UK
  • 90-Minutes teaching and practice
  • Required pre-study:
    D204 | RCA-OMBACHART Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy I (Charts)
    D301 | LPHC-COMMSKILLS Neuro Communication Skills
    D302 | LPHC-QUATHABIT Quantum Habits for Peak Performance
    D303 | LPHC-ENERPSYCH Energy Psychology Precision EFT I
    D304 | LPHC-QNBTE Quantum-Neuro-Biology Techniques
What's the language requirement?

The default teaching language is English. Students must demonstrate university level proficiency in the oral and written use of the English language.

Academic support in Arabic is provided (monthly supervision with Arabic language support). If you want to complete your academic research and papers in ARABIC please contact us.

Where will the graduation ceremony be held?

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University hosts Online Graduation Ceremonies and LIVE IN-PERSON graduations. We will provide you with graduation times in advance, allowing you to plan ahead and experience a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

What is the level of difficulty and time involvement?

If you are committed to earn your doctorate degree then you will be able to get it done. Yes, it requires time and focus but with our faculty & supervisor support you will earn your degree which is an achiement you will be tremendously proud of. Imagine how amazing you will feel. 😊

Plan to spend 3-6 hours per week on completing the Lifestyle Medicine skills and academic courses.

Which academic support will you receive?

Supporting our Lifestyle Prescriptions® University students is priority for our team, professors, and supervisors.


  • 206 | RCA Practicum
    12-Week Weekly Live Classes taught by our expert faculty with a focus on practicing Lifestyle Medicine and Root-Cause Analysis and Health Coaching skills

  • 305 | LPHC Practicum
    12-Week Weekly Live Classes deepening skills with a focus on improving client health outcomes


Academic support is provided through monthly degree Q&A live classes, student portal discussion & support groups and in-person academic supervision.

  • 406 | English Academic Writing I
    Essay writing support to improve academic writing skills (define your research topic)
  • 407 | 10-Week Statistics
    Live classes and personal course support
  • 408 | 6-Week Literature Review
    Live classes and supervision (to review existing literature and work on your research proposal)
  • 409 | 6-Week Research Methodologies
    Live classes and supervision (to develop your research methods as part of your proposal)
  • 410 | MA/Ph.D. 6-Weeks Proposal Course
    Live classes and supervision (to finalize your research proposal)

On-going research and capstone/dissertation supervision is provided.

Should I take NBHWC Exam during the course?

LPU is an NBHWC-approved health coaching school. After you complete our YEAR 1 Training you will be able to sit for the NBHWC exam.

The NBHWC exam is valuable especially if you practice in the US and want to be reimbursed by medical insurance.

TIP: We suggest to focus on your M.A. and Ph.D. Doctorate Degree in Lifestyle Medicine before you consider other certifications because the Ph.D. Degree is the highest credential you can earn.

Which work experience, diplomas, Degrees can I credit?

Students may credit a variety of qualifications and professional achievements:

  • Degrees (Bachelor, Master, Ph.D., Medical or others)
  • Diplomas (professional credentials in healthcare or related)
  • Approved Lifestyle Medicine and/or Health Coaching Certificate
  • Professional Work Experiences in healthcare or related fields

Request an evaluation and talk to our admission team for clarification

For Holistic Academy Graduates

The Holistic Academy (Dr. Reham Garash) Health Coach Certificate Training has been approved for 60 ECTS degree credits reducing study time by 9-12 months.

  • Confirm your graduation day to apply your degree credits.
  • Submit documentation (certificate copy or Holistic Academy letter)

Open the enrollment form and add your previous diplomas, degrees, and certifications.

© 2015-2024 Lifestyle Prescriptions® University. The terms Lifestyle Prescriptions®, Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™, and Root-Cause Health Coaching™ are worldwide trademarks of the Lifestyle Prescriptions® University and can only be used after completing qualifying training programs. Lifestyle Medicine WORKS™, Lifestyle Medicine Summit, HealthiWealthi™ are trademarks of Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation.

* This website and all LPU training programs are for educational purposes only. No medical diagnosis, therapy, or treatment is provided.