Feel inspired by our world-class faculty experts.
At Lifestyle Prescriptions® University we are proud of our faculty and advisory board who are expert educators in the fields of Lifestyle Medicine, Root-Cause Health Coaching, Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy and the Art and Science of Self-Healing.
Johannes R. Fisslinger, M.A., LPHCS, HWC, PhD(c) (USA, Germany)
Founder Lifestyle Prescriptions® University, Lifestyle Medicine WORKS PRO, Write Lifestyle Prescriptions Course, and Dr. HealthiWealthi AI, Co-founder Chronic Disease Month October, Author, Filmmaker
Mohamad I. Yamani MD (USA)
LPU Chief Medical Officer, Board-certified Internal Medicine Physician, Value-based primary care Lifestyle Medicine Specialist, Licensed Ornish Provider, CEO/Medical Director All Care Medical.
Catherine Alter Ph.D. (USA) – Chair Internal Review Board & Academic Supervisor
40 year academic career; Director of the Iowa School of Social Work; Dean and Professor of the Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver; editorial Board Member, Consulting Editor, and Reviewer for nine academic journals; published 4 books, 10 chapters and over 40 peer reviewed academic journal articles.
Nick Deal Ph.D. (UK) – Academic Supervisor (English)
Ph.D. in Public Health University of Manchester, taught statistics and epidemiology at Manchester University, held a research position in the sociology of oral health at Limerick University. Nick works as a research consultant for public and private sector institutions with projects exploring the links between climate change and health. Nick runs the postgraduate academic skills program at LPU and supervises students throughout their postgraduate degrees.
Jane Oelke, ND, Ph.D. (USA) – Internal Review Board
Ph.D. in Homeopathic Philosophy and Natural Health Sciences and Doctor of Naturopathy, Board Certified Naturopath, teaching classes in Homeopathic Self-Care, Energy Balancing, Mind/Body Medicine, Nature’s Pharmacy, Natural Choices For Fibromyalgia, Allergies, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Diabetes. Author of “Natural Fibromyalgia Choices”, “Natural Choices for Attention Deficit Disorder”, “Sleep Apnea Solution” and “Natural Blood Sugar Choices”.
Oliver Westerwinter (Switzerland) - Internal Review Board
Assistant Professor of Political Science at the Department of Political Science at the University St. Gallen, Switzerland. Visiting Fellow at the the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute and University of California, San Diego. Dr. Westerwinter supports students by providing feedback to academic papers as part of the degree committee.
Hazel Heath PhD (UK) – Internal Review Board
Independent Nurse Consultant, Doctor of Philosophy, MSc Advanced Clinical Practice, appointments included Royal College of Nursing UK Advisor on Nursing and Older People, the Senior Teacher in Nursing Theory and Practice at St Bartholomew’s and Honorary Senior Research Fellow at City University London. Published six textbooks and over 100 articles. Lifelong student of natural approaches to health, Reiki Energy Healing and Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach.
Aisling Killoran, M.A., LPHCS, PhD(c) (Ireland) - Faculty
Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist, Root-Cause Health Coach Infertility Specialist; Expert in Energy Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Neuroscience, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Sharon Ellert, M.A., NBH-HWC, LPHCS PhD(c) (Canada) - Faculty
Root-Cause Health Coaching™ Specialist, Lifestyle Medicine and Lifestyle Prescriptions® Specialist, Energy Psychology and Transformational Coach, Organ-Mind-Brain Connection
Gita Jayakumar, M.A., LPHCS, PhD(c) (India) - Faculty
Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach Specialist, Yoga Teacher, BWRT, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, PEAT, Root Healing, Reiki, Magnified Healing, Bach Flower, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Crystal Therapy, Aromatherapy Practitioner. www.gitajayakumar.com
Coach Nisreen Baitalmal (Saudi Arabia) - Faculty
Holistic Coach certified by the Holistic Academy, holding an ICF ACC accreditation and recognized as a Health & Wellness Coach by HCANZA. With a background in training, I specialize in guiding individuals towards holistic well-being. My approach combines coaching methodologies with Total Optimization Training (TOT) principles, fostering sustainable lifestyle changes for lasting health and fulfillment.
Ashley Layle (USA) - Faculty
Licensed Massage Therapist, extensive work in the social and home restoration and health, certified in Culinary Nutrition, Lifestyle Prescriptions® Root-Cause Health Coach specialized in Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy.
Cristian Dellepiane MD, DipABLM (Argentina) - Advisory Board
Internal Medicine, Family Medicine and Geriatrics, Diplomate Lifestyle Medicine (IBLM), President Argentina Society of Lifestyle Medicine (AAMEVI)
Reham Garash MD, DipIBLM, FAAMFM (Saudi Arabia) - Advisory Board
Founder of the Holistic Wellness Academy Saudi Arabia, Holistic medical doctor, Ayurvedic and Functional Medicine practitioner, and Emotional Wellness Coach
Bernie Siegel MD (USA) - Advisory Board
Pioneer in Mind-Body Medicine, Retired general & pediatric surgeon, Author of Love, Medicine & Miracles; Peace, Love & Healing; How to Live Between Office Visits,
Dr. Sujeet Gupta (India/China) - Advisory Board
Dr. Gupta holds a doctor degree in Ayurveda - Integrated Holistic Medicine, Masters Degree in Yoga, NBHWC Certified Health Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher, Certified Diabetes Educator, and has been in the Wellness Industry for over 15 years, focusing on Lifestyle and Holistic
Healthcare Management.
Anton Bader MD (Germany) - Advisory Board
40 years practicing Lifestyle Medicine in family practice, Lifestyle Prescriptions® Root-Cause Specialist, World authority in Brain Relay Diagnostics and the Organ-Mind-Brain Connection.
Dr. Kevin Chan, DO, MS, FAIHM, FAAMFM (USA) - Advisory Board
Integrative and holistic family medicine physician who focuses on total health especially in heart attack & stroke prevention, board certified in Clinical Lipidology, Integrative Medicine & Lifestyle Medicine in addition to Age Management Medicine, Anti-Aging Regenerative Medicine, Advanced Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy as well as Canonical Chinese Medicine.
Yasmine Farouk, M.A. (Egypt) - Advisory Board
Master Degree from ESlSCA and currently enrolled in M.A. degree program in Psychology with Cal-Southern University & Certified Guided Imagery Guide, Professional Life Coach (CLC), Parent-Youth-Family Coach (CFYP), Parent Educator, Neuro-linguistic Hypnotherapist, and Motivational Speaker, Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach
© 2015-2024 Lifestyle Prescriptions® University. The terms Lifestyle Prescriptions®, Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™, and Root-Cause Health Coaching™ are worldwide trademarks of the Lifestyle Prescriptions® University and can only be used after completing qualifying training programs. Lifestyle Medicine WORKS™, Lifestyle Medicine Summit, HealthiWealthi™ are trademarks of Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation.
* This website and all LPU training programs are for educational purposes only. No medical diagnosis, therapy, or treatment is provided.
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