LIVE Virtual Open House

With LPU Founder Johannes R. Fisslinger & Guests

This live session is geared to help you understand why enrolling with Lifestyle Prescriptions® University degree programs is an excellent career path.

Use chapters icon to skip forward.

You’ll discover how we help you Master Lifestyle Medicine and Root-Cause Health Coaching skills, and earn a accredited Master's (M.A.) and Ph.D. Doctorate Degree in Lifestyle Medicine.

Three steps to enroll and maximize your Tuition & Study Time

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University is proud to partner with the non-profit Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation to provide tuition credits (partial scholarships) to train leaders in Lifestyle Medicine and help make Lifestyle Medicine accessible to everyone.

To join our Ph.D. Doctorate in Lifestyle Medicine Degree Program and secure up to $10,000 in tuition reduction* review and follow the steps below.

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University is proud to partner with the non-profit Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation to provide tuition credits (partial scholarships) to train leaders in Lifestyle Medicine and help make Lifestyle Medicine accessible to everyone.

To join our Ph.D. Doctorate in Lifestyle Medicine Degree Program and secure up to $10,000 in tuition reduction* review and follow the steps below.

  • 2024 Summer Enrollment Window: Ends July 30, 2024. ✅
  • Apply now to credit your diplomas, work experience, reduce tuition & study time
  • Applications will be processed in the order they are received.
  • Maximum $10,000 tuition credit per student (limited availability).
  • The remaining tuition can be paid-in-full, annually, or via monthly payment plans.
  • Applications will be approved by the LPU committee (after evaluation call).
  • New students will receive their enrollment confirmation within 7 days.

Your Ph.D. Degree in Lifestyle Medicine tuition after all applicable tuition credits may be as low as $9,997. Affordable payment plans are available.

Start the enrollment process to explore which degree option fits your values, goals, and budget.

Earn your Ph.D. Degree, start or upgrade your career, raise your income, become a successful author or leading researcher in Lifestyle Medicine. Be a leader in the emerging healthcare 3.0.

* Tuition credits may reduce your degree program tuition 35-50%. The remaining tuition is covered by students.

Review Ph.D. Degree Options & Curriculum

Explore which Ph.D. in Lifestyle Medicine path is for you.

Accredited International Ph.D. Doctorate Degree - Highest Lifestyle Medicine Academic Credential.

  • Access to Lifestyle Medicine Skills & Academic Self-Study Courses
  • Two Semester Practicums (Online Live)
  • Academic Courses & Supervision
  • Complete in 1-3 Years*
  • Requirement: MA degree or equivalent diplomas with work experience

Get $10,000+ in scholarships. and apply your diplomas & work experience.

During your enrollment call you will finalize your tuition minus tuition, scholarships, and work experience credits.

View Ph.D. Curriculum & Tuition


If you have an existing Master degree or equivalent (and higher) and at least 1 year work experience in medicine and health then you can DIRECTLY join TRACK #1: PH.D. IN LIFESTYLE MEDICINE.


  • M.A. degree or equivalent
  • Extensive diplomas & professional work experience in healthcare


  • You may reduce your tuition and study timed substantially by apply previous degrees, diplomas, and professional work experience.
  • Schedule an evaluation call to explore the best program that fits your career needs.



  • 101 | D-LM-SUCCESS University Success Skills
  • 102 | D-LM-LMSCIENCE Lifestyle Medicine I - The Science
  • 103 | D-LM-PRESCRLM Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine
  • 104 | D-LM-PRAC Lifestyle Medicine Practicum I


  • 201 | D-RCA-HCCCOM Health Coaching Core Competencies
  • 202 | D-RCA-SELFHEAL The Art & Science of Self-Healing
  • 203 | D-LPHC-COMSKILL Neuro Communication Skills
  • 204 | D-RCA-ROOTANALY 10-Step Root-Cause Analysis Process I
  • 205 | D-RCA-OMBACHART Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy I (Charts)
  • 206 | D-RCA-PRAC1RCA RCA Practicum Live Classes


  • 301 | D-LPHC-QUATHABIT Quantum Habits for Peak Performance
  • 302 | D-LPHC-ENERPSYCH Energy Psychology Precision EFT I
  • 303 | D-LPHC-QNBTE Quantum-Neuro-Biology Techniques
  • 304 | D-LPHC-OMBAN2 Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy II (Directory)
  • 305 | D-LPHC-PRAC1LPHC LPHC Practicum Live Classes


  • 406 | D-MA-ACADWRITE English Academic Writing
  • 407 | D-MA-STATISTICS 10-Week Statistics & Qualitative Research
  • 408 | D-MA-LITREVIEW 6-Week Literature Review
  • 409 | D-MA-RESEARME 6-Week Research Methodologies
  • 410 | D-MA-PROPO6 MA/Ph.D. 6-Weeks Proposal Course
  • 501 | D-PHD-HCETHICS Ethics in Healthcare Course
  • 502 | D-PHD-DISSERTA Dissertation Research, Writing & Defending


  • Degree Supervisor Support
  • LPU Degree Committee Guidance
  • LPU Faculty Support


  • Degree is validated by the European International University (EIU) Paris, monitored by the Department of Education France

Your Ph.D. Degree in Lifestyle Medicine tuition after all applicable tuition credits may be as low as $9,997.

Affordable payment plans are available.

Start the enrollment process to explore which degree option fits your values, goals, and budget.

The Ph.D. Fast-Track includes the Master's and Ph.D. Degree Program and is customized to your needs by applying existing degrees and credentials.

  • Access to Lifestyle Medicine Skills & Academic Self-Study Courses
  • Two Semester Practicums (Online Live)
  • Academic Courses & Supervision
  • Complete in 2-4 years*
  • Requirement: One year healthcare or related work experience

Get $7,000+ in scholarships, apply your diplomas & work experience.

During your enrollment call you will finalize your tuition minus tuition, scholarships, and work experience credits.

View M.A. Curriculum & Tuition


  • If you DO NOT have a Master degree or equivalent (or higher) then join TRACK #2: Ph.D. Fast-Track in Lifestyle Medicine which includes the Integrated Bachelor/Master's followed by the Ph.D. Degree.


  • One year healthcare or related work experience


  • You may reduce your tuition and study time substantially by apply previous degrees, diplomas, and professional work experience.
  • Schedule an evaluation call to explore the best program that fits your career needs.

You will master Lifestyle Medicine and Root-Cause Health Coaching by completing these self-study, practicums and academic courses:


  • 101 | D-LM-SUCCESS University Success Skills
  • 102 | D-LM-LMSCIENCE Lifestyle Medicine I - The Science
  • 103 | D-LM-PRESCRLM Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine
  • 104 | D-LM-PRAC Lifestyle Medicine Practicum I


  • 201 | D-RCA-HCCCOM Health Coaching Core Competencies
  • 202 | D-RCA-SELFHEAL The Art & Science of Self-Healing
  • 203 | D-LPHC-COMSKILL Neuro Communication Skills
  • 204 | D-RCA-ROOTANALY 10-Step Root-Cause Analysis Process I
  • 205 | D-RCA-OMBACHART Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy I (Charts)
  • 206 | D-RCA-PRAC1RCA RCA Practicum


  • 301 | D-LPHC-QUATHABIT Quantum Habits for Peak Performance
  • 302 | D-LPHC-ENERPSYCH Energy Psychology Precision EFT I
  • 303 | D-LPHC-QNBTE Quantum-Neuro-Biology Techniques
  • 304 | D-LPHC-OMBAN2 Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy II (Directory)
  • 305 | D-LPHC-PRAC1LPHC LPHC Practicum


  • 401 | D-MA-LIMED2 Lifestyle Medicine II – Protocols
  • 402 | D-MA-BIOEVO Human Needs, Brain, Organs, Evolution
  • 403 | D-MA-MICROB Microbiome, Microbes & Immunity
  • 404 | D-MA-LIMED3 Lifestyle Medicine III: Remedies
  • 405 | D-MA-PRAC2 Master Practicum II (OMBA, RCA & LPHC)


  • 406 | D-MA-ACADWRITE English Academic Writing
  • 407 | D-MA-STATISTICS 10-Week Statistics & Qualitative Research
  • 408 | D-MA-LITREVIEW 6-Week Literature Review
  • 409 | D-MA-RESEARME 6-Week Research Methodologies
  • 410 | D-MA-PROPO6 MA 6-Weeks Proposal Course
  • 411 | D-MA-CAPSTO Master’s Degree Capstone Project


  • 501 | D-PHD-HCETHICS Ethics in Healthcare Course
  • 502 | D-PHD-DISSERTA Dissertation Research, Writing & Defending


  • Degree is validated by the European International University (EIU) Paris, monitored by the Department of Education France

Your Ph.D. Degree in Lifestyle Medicine tuition after all applicable tuition credits may be as low as $9,997.

Affordable payment plans are available.

Start the enrollment process to explore which degree option fits your values, goals, and budget.

Submit your Credentials & Applicable Credits

Help us maximize your tuition credits by answering a few enrollment questions (followed by scheduling a call with Emma).

Schedule Your Enrollment Call

Our team will review your submitted credentials and email you the enrollment call Zoom link.

"I am looking foward starting our conversation to find the ideal degree program that fits your needs, budget and values.

We will finalize the program, tuition, and enrollment steps allowing you to get started within a few days."

Emma Patricio, LPU Director of Admissions

Got urgent questions? Contact me.

© 2015-2024 Lifestyle Prescriptions® University. The terms Lifestyle Prescriptions®, Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™, and Root-Cause Health Coaching™ are worldwide trademarks of the Lifestyle Prescriptions® University and can only be used after completing qualifying training programs. Lifestyle Medicine WORKS™, Lifestyle Medicine Summit, HealthiWealthi™ are trademarks of Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation.

* This website and all LPU training programs are for educational purposes only. No medical diagnosis, therapy, or treatment is provided.