"Health Coaching without Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™ is like Surgery without Anatomy."
Radically improve Health Outcomes with Root-Cause Health Coaching
Master evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine Protocols and Root-Cause Health Coaching™ techniques & skills based on Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™
Lifestyle Prescriptions® University is accredited by ...
Three Reasons to study with us
NBHWC Credentials
Become a Board-Certified NBC-HWC
Master your previously learned Plant-Based Coaching skills, build confidence and expand your tool kit beyond nutrition. Learn how to coach clients requiring emotional, mental & social support
Root-Cause Analysis & Coaching
Radically Improve Health Outcomes
Radically improve client health outcomes, confidence, and competence by adding Root-Cause Analysis & Health Coaching based on Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™ to your skillset.
Master's & Ph.D. Doctorate
Earn Accredited Ph.D. Doctorate
Start with the Health Coach Certificate Training or go all the way and earn your Master and Ph.D. Doctorate Degree in Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coaching. It's your choice.
Evidence-Based Lifestyle Medicine
Write micro-habit Lifestyle Prescriptions®
Lifestyle Medicine at it's core is not complicated. Our 20/80 personalized approach allows clients to improve one micro-habit at a time.
Add the micro-habit Lifestyle Prescriptions® process with your clients guaranteed to work.
Precision Root-Cause Analysis
Know which specific habitual stressors, emotions, thoughts, social & lifestyle habits affect over 1,000+ organ tissue symptoms just by asking a few questions.
Advanced Health Coaching Skills!
Radically improve health outcomes with Root-Cause Health Coaching Techniques & Skills:
Three Credentials in One Training
Earn three health coach certification in one training (over 9-12 months):
With an option to continue and earn your Integrated Master's or Ph.D. Doctorate Degree in Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coaching.
* As an NBHWC approved school you may sit for the NBHWC exam to earn your NBC-HWC credential.
Register TODAY to secure your Root-Cause Health Coaching Special Offer!
Save 3 Months Study Time and $1,000 Tuition, and enjoy $1,294 in Bonuses for a total of $2,294 in Savings.
Lifestyle Prescriptions® Root-Cause Health Coach Certificate Training
Join the LPHC Training to help your clients radically improve health outcomes, build your confidence and competence with the 10-Step Root-Cause Analysis Process based on Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™, and advanced transformational Health Coaching and Lifestyle Medicine protocols, techniques & skills.
Here are three definitions;
Self-Study: Root-Cause Analysis & Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™
Start your journey by completing these engaging self-study courses
Learn how to implement the Art and Science of Self-Healing, 10-Step Root-Cause Analysis Process, and the Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy Charts with clients. Learning outcomes include:
Self-Study: Root-Cause Health Coaching Techniques & Skills
Deepen your Root-Cause Analysis and Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy skills and learn evidence-based Health Coaching Techniques & Protocols (addressing all 6 Root-Causes).
Practice Root-Cause Health Coaching™ techniques & skills to coach clients to improve all 6 root-causes of chronic symptoms. Learning outcomes include:
The Root-Cause Health Coach Certification Training will start Sept. 20, 2023.
We offer extensive opportunities for you to practice and master Root-Cause Analysis & Health Coaching skills needed to create "miracles" for your clients.
The Practicum includes two live class modules (PRAC1-RCA and PRAC1-LPHC) and weekly mentor and supervision classes.
PRAC1-RCA: Skills Review & Demos WEEKLY Live Classes
During our semester break you spend time on completing the self-study courses, practice with clients/co-students and submit client cases for review.
PRAC1-LPHC: Review & Demo Live Classes
SUPERVISION: Sunday Practice Live Classes
To be certified as a Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Root-Cause Health Coach the following steps are required:
- Attend and complete the self-study courses and live class practicums
- Submit 20 client cases (using our 10-step template)
- 3 Live Client Case Recordings (20 minutes with supervisor feedback)
After LPHC Certification you will be able to sit for the NBHWC board exam.
Our Root-Cause Health Coach Training is open for existing health coaches & healthcare providers, and anyone wanting to build a career their love.
Join LPU if you have a desire to radically improve health outcomes, and increase competence, confidence, and credentials.
The majority of our LPU students have already completed other plant-based, health, functional, or other coaching training programs or work with clients as traditional, complementary, or alternative medicine practitioners but want more.
One of the typical responses of our graduates is "LPU and LPHC is bringing everything together I've learned so far ... and a lot more!"
Our LPU faculty and mentors will passionately support you to achieve excellence.
The Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Root-Cause Health Coach (LPHC) Certificate Training is an approved NBHWC training program and allows you to sit for the NBHWC National Board exam.
The steps to get your NBW-HWC credential are:
See NBHWC for details here.
By completing the LPHC Root-Cause Health Coach Training you will earn 120 ECTS credits you may apply towards your Master's or Ph.D. Doctorate Degree in Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coaching.
Additional tuition credits & scholarships may apply.
If you feel a desire to become a leader in one of the fastest growing and most needed fields of healthcare and earn degrees, then we suggest to contact our admissions team to find out which program fits your needs and budget.
Schedule a call with Emma Patricio, LPU Director of Admissions
You may also credit your existing diplomas and work experience. Talk to us!
Highly regarded and qualified Health Coach and Lifestyle Medicine Experts will teach and guide you towards your certification:
Johannes R. Fisslinger MA, LPHCS,HWC
Founder Lifestyle Prescriptions® University, HealthiWealthi Coaching Platform, Producer “Titans of Yoga” and “Lifestyle Medicine” films, Co-founder National Yoga Month Awareness Campaign September, Producer Lifestyle Medicine Summits, Author “The 6 Root-Cause(s) Of All Symptoms", "Lifestyle Medicine Works".
Mohamad I. Yamani MD
Internal Medicine Specialist, Owner Allcare Medical Florida, Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Provider, Harvard Master's Degree, Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Faculty, CGround-breaking Lifestyle Medicine Researcher, Global Vallue-Based Medicine Expert,
Aisling Killoran, M.A. LPHCS, Clinical Hypno/Psychotherapist
Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach Infertility Specialist with over 25 years of experience. Clinical experience and certified in Hypnosis, Psychotherapy, HeartMath Coach, EMDR, Emotional Freedom Tapping Techniques, Tapas Acupressure Techniques, Counselling skills, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Jane Oelke ND, PhD, LPHCS
Naturopathic Doctor, Lifestyle Medicine and Root-Cause Health Coaching Fibromyalgia Specialist, Limbic Stress Assessment, Homeopathic Practitioner, Author of Natural Fibromyalgia Choices and Natural Choices for Attention Deficit Disorder.
Sharon Ellert, NBH-HWC, LPHCS
Root-Cause Health Coaching™ Specialist, Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Faculty, Owner Life Transitions Inc., Energy Psychology and Quantum-Neuro-Biology Technique Specialist, PhD(c) Student
Annie Gedye, B.S., LPHCS, HWC
B.Sc. Marine Biology, taught Colleges Anatomy and Physiology, Bowen Physical Therapy, Reflexology, Massage, Nutrition; Energy Psychology Practitioner. Co-developer Quantum-Neuro-Biology-Technique, BWRT Level 1&2, EFT-Advanced, NLP, Hypnosis and Counseling.
Gita Jayakumar MA, LPHCS India
Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach Specialist, Yoga Teacher, BWRT, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, PEAT, Root Healing, Reiki, Magnified Healing, Bach Flower, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Crystal Therapy, Aromatherapy Practitioner
Yasmine Farouk, M.A. Dubai UAE
B.S. degree in International Business; Master Degree from ESlSCA, M.A. in Psychology, Root-Cause Health Coach Specialist, Certified Guided Imagery Guide, Professional Life Coach (CLC), Parent-Youth-Family Coach (CFYP), Parent Educator, Neuro-linguistic Hypnotherapist,
$4,997 Tuition Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach Certificate Training
$3,997 Tuition Special Offer
$2,294 in Tuition Credits & Bonuses😊
Best Value! ✅
Enroll today before the special offer expires.
Secure your TUITION SPECIAL OFFER and get instant access to all pre-study courses.
Earn well and be a Certified HealthiWealthi™ Coach.
Receive preferred access to our HealthiWealthi™ Platform & Economy.
The HealthiWealthi™ Coach Credential (HWC) is being awarded once you have worked with 3 paying clients inside HealthiWealthi™ Coaching Platform & App.
HWC platform access will be provided after completing the PRAC1-RCA practicum.
Start earning while you study.
Register for the LPHC Training and we'll waive the platform fees.
Discover Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™
Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™ represents the advanced study and practical implementation of the intricate interplay among distinct organ tissues, stress responses, emotional dynamics, cognitive processes, societal influences, lifestyle elements, and the remarkable innate capacity of the body for self-regulation.
Use our exclusive Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy Charts & Directory to engage with clients in a deeply profound way going beyond Anatomy & Physiology.
Just imagine, if you could know the specific root-cause stress triggers, conflicts, emotions, beliefs & lifestyle habits affecting over 1,000 symptoms just by asking a few questions?
Our exquisite high-quality printed Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy Reference Charts & Posters (sent via Priority Mail) include 5 posters, 13 charts, and Lifestyle Prescription® pads. Our students & graduates absolutely love these charts as a tool to educate, empower, and inspire clients and provide a scientific basis to their work.
By integrating Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy (OMBA) you’ll learn the adaptive auto-regulation mechanisms of over 150 organ tissues and 1,500 symptoms as part of the stress and regeneration phase.
“One of the most loved Root-Cause Analysis resources used daily by our students and practitioners.”
© 2015-2024 Lifestyle Prescriptions® University. The terms Lifestyle Prescriptions®, Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy™, and Root-Cause Health Coaching™ are worldwide trademarks of the Lifestyle Prescriptions® University and can only be used after completing qualifying training programs. Lifestyle Medicine WORKS™, Lifestyle Medicine Summit, HealthiWealthi™ are trademarks of Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation.
* This website and all LPU training programs are for educational purposes only. No medical diagnosis, therapy, or treatment is provided.
2024 Summer Special
Radically improve client health outcomes with evidence-based Lifstyle Medicine, Root-Cause Analysis & Health Coaching based on Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy (and earn your NBHWC, LPHC & HWC certifications).
Secure tuition credits & bonuses of $2,294
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